Title: "I Dream of Jimmy"
By: Amanda
Feedback: greenfreakgirl@tomgreen.com
Rating: PG or maybe even G
Summary: Hero Jimmy...only in his dreams! 
Spoilers:The Cap'n Toby Show, just for one scene. 
Disclamer: The characters of The Lone Gunmen are the property of Chris
Carter, Ten Thirteen and FOX. Blah blah blah
Author's Notes: This is my first attempted at Fanfic so let me know
what's good and what's bad? Thanks! I know it might be a little drawn
out sorry


The Lone Gunmen Headquarters
7:30 a.m.

Frohike, Byers and Langly stand huddled together in front of the red
couch at the back of the warehouse. The television was still on but
only airing 'snow'. Jimmy was sprawled out with his limbs dangling over
the edges.
"He's twitching like a dog," Langly laughed as he watched Jimmy move as
if he were chasing something.
Byers fought the laugh building inside and behind a smirk he replied,
"Let's just leave him alone. We still have a deadline to meet."
Langly pouted, "I was just gonna mess with him a little"
Frohike laughed and watched Jimmy's hands scratch at the air, "I wonder
what the big guy's dreaming about" 
* * * * *

(Jimmy's Dream)
The Lone Gunmen Headquarters
8:00 a.m.

They're sitting around the table...actually waiting for me. I smile and
start dishing out the pancakes I've made. 
"Thank you," Byers smiles when I drop two pancakes on to his plate.
Langly and Frohike reply the same way. 
I takes his seat at the small card table, that doubles as a kitchen
table. The newspapers are all piled neatly for me to go though. I was
looking for the *truth* that wasn't printed in the pages.
"I stacked them this morning, Jimmy." Langly smiled brightly looking
for praise.
"But I did it yesterday." Frohike chimed in.
"Thank youall of you," I smiled. 'It's about time they realized how
much I really mean around here' I start flipping through the newspapers
as the guys watch in awe.
"Find anything Jimmy?" Langly chews on his pancake. 
'He looks up to me so much' "Hello!" I stood and all three sets of eyes
are on me and all three sets of ears are ready to listen to me. It's a
great feelingthe guys looking up to me.
"It's right here as plain as day," I begin, "In the sport scoresthe
numbers are codesmilitary codes." The explanation came so clearly to
me. The government was using sport scores to send military codes. Sadly
this point didn't come as clearly to the guys *sigh* oh well I start to
explain to them, pointing at the paper, "See these numbers?

10:00 a.m.

After explaining to the guys about just how the scores are codes and
how it leads back to the government I decide I needed to get
information on my theory. 
Frohike pulls out the stool for the worktable for me and Langly passes
me his laptop. Byers just watches in quiet awe as I point and click my
way through the internet. 
"What are you looking for?" Langly asked with childish curiosity. 
"Proof," I replied, trying to concentrate on the hacking job at hand.
"Oh" he pretended to understand, "Need anything?"
"It's my turn to get him something!" Frohike complained and the two men
started to bicker like children. 
I shook my head, "It's okay guys I'm fine really!" 
Langly stuck his tongue out at Frohike.
I continued to type and click the mouse. I felt nervous as all three of
them watched me staring over my shoulder as I stared at the computer
screen. "Yesss?"
"We're just observing Jimmy," Byers replied with a large smile on his

It was getting hard to concentrate with them looking over my shoulder
and asking questions, I had to get them out of my way. "You guys wanna
do me a favour?" I smiled.
All three Gunmen smiled from ear to ear and replied, "Yes Jimmy?"
"Great I need you to...er" I had no clue where to send them. Looking at
the newspaper I realized, "Would you go to the store and get me the
sport stat sheets?" 
"You need us all to go?" Frohike frowned.
Crap! Did he realize I was just trying to get rid of them?' "It's
really important." I told him and he smiled. I sighed, he bought it. 
"We'll be right back," Byers told me as the three of them slipped out
the door and began to pile into the VW Van. 
'Ah, peace and quiet'.

1:00 p.m.

The guys still weren't back yet and hadn't called or anything. It
wasn't like them to do that, especially Byers. I sat in front of
Langly's laptop no longer looking for proof, I was bored. The phone
rang and jumped up to get it. "Lone Gunmen, Bond, Jimmy Bond speaking,"
I always wanted to answer the phone that way.
"Mr. Jimmy," the voice replied, "I have something you might be
interested in."
"I don't buy into telemarketers," I told the unfamiliar voice.
"I'm not selling anything" the man groaned, "I have your colleges here"
He held the phone up and I heard the guys yell.
"Byers! Frohike! Langly! what have you done to them?" I was really
worried about them.
"Nothing Yet!" His voice was booming in the phone, "But if you don't
comply I will be forced to."
"Alrightwhat do you want?" I listened carefully for background sounds
in the phone. Thankfully I didn't hear any screaming, but I didn't hear
anything else either.
"It's simple I just want you to exchange all the *proof * you've found
about sport scores for these *men*," He told me. 
"And that's it? A simple exchange?" I asked him. It sounded far too
He chuckled dryly, "Of course." 
Ah huh! An echooff yesceramic walls! They're in a locker room! 'Man
this stuff is easy'. Just had to figure out what locker room? Where?.
Okay, this isn't that easy.
"Alright, but I want to make sure they are okay before I hand over the
research," I was going to be firm here. No one gets away easily after
taking my friends. 
"Of course Mr. Jimmy," Again with the dry laughand his teeth are
'A HOCKEY ARENA! Where's the closet one ?' 
"Wellwhere we gonna do this, man?" I couldn't know him know I knew
where he waskind of.
A long pause too long. 
"It has to be discreet of course," he finally said. 
"Of course," my turn to use the dry laugh. If he makes a point that it
must be discreethe must be in a public area. 'Where did I learn to
think like this?' I know where he iswhere they are. "Where are we
gonna do this?" I was impatient now. 'Watch it now Jimmy, don't get
excitedyou'll screw it up.' 

"Anxious are we?" he said a worried about my excited tone. 
"Of course, you've got my friends," a good and true cover. 
"Fair enough," he replied, "The South Side access road, two hours." He
hung up.

Okay. I've got under two hours to get to the rink and save the guys.
Easy enough. 

Steward's Ice Rink
1:30 p.m. 

Ah, the only rink between the store and the access road. This is where
they had to be. I figured I should be inconinconspic I figured I
shouldn't draw attention to myself so I slid into the back door of the
rink. I crouched down under the rink wall.

It was a pee wee hockey team practice. I figured I was wrong and was
about to leave when I spotted them. The Guys! They were sitting on a
bench, all their teeth were chattering. Poor guys aren't very good with
the cold. I realized that I stumbled onto another story "Pee Wee
Hockey: Government Front" This was greatbut I needed to save the guys

I waited until the kids were off the ice and into the locker room. My
guess was that the "coach" was the guy who called me. Evil Bastard! At
least he wasn't messing with football. Once he wasn't facing the ice I
stood up and walked onto the ice

"Hey yo..." BAM! I landed butt first on the ice. Oh man

The guys all stood, "JIMMY!" 

I stumbled to my feet and attempted to walk over to them BAM! 'Man
who'd of thought that ice would be so slippery' 

"Mr. Bond," The 'coach' said to me, "Cleaver of you to figure out where
we were."
I smiled, "It was pretty easy," 'if only getting up off the ice was as
easy' I stumbled to my feet again and carefully walked closer to where
they were.
He gave that dry laugh again and pulled out his gun, "Stop right
"You could have just asked me nicely," I replied, rather cleverly I
"Oh, but I am being nice," he stepped forward onto the ice, aimed his
gun and cocked it.
'Oh crap' I closed my eyes and waitedthan heard it BAM! 

Waitthat wasn't a gun shot. I slowly opened my eyes 'Coach' was lying
on the ice. He had fallen. I slowly reached down to check for a pulse
there was one, but he was out cold. 
"Jimmy?" Byers stepped up tot he edge of the ice.
"He's just unconscious," I explained. 

The Lone Gunmen Headquarters
4:00 p.m.

I was finishing up typing out my stories, "Sport Scores Used To Trade
Secrets" and "Pee Wee Hockey: Government Front" the guys were all
crowed around me again.
"You really did it this time Jimmy," Langly smiled. 
"Yeah, way to go!" Frohike slapped me on the back. 
"Thanks guys," I was all smiles. 
"Very good Jimmy.JimmyJimmy"

* * * * * * 

The Lone Gunmen Headquarters
7:45 a.m.

"Jimmy," Langly was shaking the larger man, "Come onGet up!"
Jimmy's eyes slowly started to open, "WhereWhere am I?"
"Oh great he's delusional!" Langly rolled his eyes.
Byers scowled the tall blond, "You're in the warehouse Jimmy."
"OhIt was all a dream," The sleepy man realized. He looked up at his
three friends standing over him, "You were all there"
"Oh great! Next time you wanna dream about me can't you do it in your
own place," Langly backed away from the couch.
Jimmy smiled sadly and started to get up. 
"You know it's fine if you fall asleep here Jimmy," Byers smiled at
him, undoing what Langly's word's had done. "Now let's get some work
"Yeah, I can't seem to work without you standing over my shoulder,"
Frohike laughed as he patted Jimmy on the back. 
Jimmy's smile brightened, and than he thought, "Have you guys ever
*really * looked at the sport scores?"